My Magical Rainbow
My Magical Rainbow introduces readers to a friendly Rainbow character who brings all her magical friends together, including the popular unicorn, dragon and mermaid. With push, pull and turn mechanisms and a sparkly foil cover wheel, little ones will have lots of fun joining the magical creatures' colourful day.
Yujin Shin's beautiful illustrations are paired with gentle rhyming text to create a perfect magical world, with bright, sparkling detail and things to spot in four magical scenes.
My Magical Rainbow is another exciting addition to the My Magical series, based on the popular Busy Book format.
Enjoy more magical adventures with My Magical Unicorn, My Magical Dragon, My Magical Mermaid, My Magical Sea Unicorn, My Magical Witch, My Magical Easter Bunny, My Magical Fairy, My Magical Flying Pony, My Magical Owl, My Magical Snowman, My Magical Forest and My Magical Leprechaun.
ISBN : 9781529059953 | |
BY (AUTHOR) Books, Campbell, ILLUSTRATED BY Shin, Yujin | |
PUBLISHER : Pan Macmillan | PUBLICATION DATE : March 18, 2021 |
COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION : United Kingdom | IMPRINT : Campbell Books Ltd |
LANGUAGE : English | AGE : From 1 to 5 years |
PRODUCT FORM : Board book |
WEIGHT : 316 g
SERIES : My Magical
Children’s, Teenage & Educational