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The Glass Universe: The Hidden History of the Women Who Took the Measure of the Stars
Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?: How I Turned Around IBM
A Life Discarded: 148 Diaries Found in a Skip
The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family and Defiance During the Blitz
My Week With Marilyn
The End of the End of the Earth
On Cats
Memoirs of a Fruitcake
Paulo Coelho: Confessions of a Pilgrim
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Nothing but a Circus: Misadventures among the Powerful
A Captain's Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and Dangerous Days at Sea
Jonny: My Autobiography
Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography
Shanghai Bride - Her Tumultuous Life's Journey to the West
My Struggle, Book One
Carl Crow - A Tough Old China Hand - The Life, Times, and Adventures of an American in Shanghai
Flight to Heaven: A Plane Crash...A Lone Survivor...A Journey to Heaven--and Back
The Colour of the Sky After Rain
Invisible Women
Asia's 15 Over 50
Year of Fire Dragons
The Eurasian Face
Sheriff of Wan Chai
Shanghai's Baghdadi Jews
My Private China
Master of None
How to Hong Kong : An Illustrated Travel Journal
Kitchen Tiles: A Collection of Salty, Wet Stories from the Bar-Rooms of Hong Kong
Dateline Mongolia
Incidental Inventions
Letters from an Astrophysicist